The Honda Pioneer 1000 and the Camso 4S1 UTV Track System are a match made in heaven.
The Honda Pioneer is unique with a real dual-clutch transmission. This means while using the Camso tracks with the reduced gearing you can go as SLOW or fast as you want.
Don’t worry with the HUGE contact patch your Honda Pioneer actually will become more stable when adding tracks.
Comes with EVERYTHING you need to install the tracks on the front and rear.
The Camso 4S1 Track system is built specifically for side-by-sides with a larger footprint and beefed-up components.
– Snow
– Deep Snow
– Mud
– Dirt
– Tundra
** This Track System works with the following Model and year
Honda 1000 Pioneer-/-EPS-/-5-(5-seats)-/-Deluxe-/-Limited-Edition-/-Special-Edition 2016 thru 2021
Part Number –
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